On 09-Apr-17 08:13 PM, Mattias Dalkvist wrote:
I should describe my use case a bit more: When hiking and planing a
hike (in Scandinavian forests) it is very useful to know/see where the
clearing (from clearcutting) are. Resent ones have lost of wet tracks
from the harvesters but also areas that was cleared 5-10 years ago as
they are often thick with young birch trees.
Basically these areas are part of a larger forest just in the
beginning of the ~100 year growth cycle and having a way to represent
at an intermediate detail level is what I'm after. IE more into then
just forest without having to differentiate the stages,
ground/scrub/young mixed forest etc. As seeing the differences from
satellite imaginary can be hard specially when it is not that easy to
find the date of the imaginary.
That is fine.
I would also like to know when a harvest is planed, so I can avoid the
area when that is taking place (traffic, noise and dust).
Where an area has been clear felled, replanted and is now thick.. they
usually do a selective harvest to thin it out and leave the best trees
for future harvest. So there may be a need to tag that too?
Other crops of a long term nature? The ones I can think of are all tree
related e.g. sandalwood.
Satellite imagery is not much use for this.
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