Hi, there are some differences between summit mailboxes and summit
registers: mailboxes are designed to last for years (even for decades; in
the Basque Country it's not uncommon to find mailboxes dating from the
1960s), and they don't contain a register book; they are usually empty (you
will never find a pencil or an empty sheet of paper to write on it) because
they aren't used to keep a permanent register of who has been there.

Mailboxes cannot be classified as letterboxes either because looking for
them is not a goal on itself (however, most mountaineers enjoy taking a
look at the mailbox) and because they aren't hidden, they just mark the

Overall, I would say they have more to do with register books than
letterboxes (here's a link <http://cort.as/lFNn> with further explanations
 mailboxes). Maybe we could use summit:register:mailbox=yes for mailboxes
and summit:register:book=yes for normal register books?

2016-09-06 22:37 GMT+02:00 ksg <ks...@web.de>:

> > Am 06.09.2016 um 22:22 schrieb Wolfgang Zenker <
> wolfg...@lyxys.ka.sub.org>:
> >
> > Hi,
> >
> > * Kevin Kenny <kevin.b.kenny+...@gmail.com> [160906 20:38]:
> >> On Tue, Sep 6, 2016 at 2:20 PM, ksg <ks...@web.de> wrote:
> >>> The tag summit:register=* is not yet defined in the wiki, but is
> >>> widespread used in the Alps of Europe with > 600 instances.
> >
> >>> https://taginfo.openstreetmap.org/keys/summit%3Aregister#values
> >
> >> OK, that sounds good as well. Maybe still have some sort of tagging for
> the
> >> type so that we can show a letterbox as Mr Díaz de Argandoña requests?
> >
> >> (As I said earlier, I'm unlikely to tag such a beast, because the clubs
> >> where I climb request that climbers not share coordinates of the
> registers
> >> or GPS tracks of the routes on the peaks without established trails.)
> >
> > just to complicate things a bit further: I have seen some registers of
> > the "I was here" type inside caves, placed there to get an idea how many
> > people reach that particular part of the cave. summit:register would
> sound
> > a bit silly for those.
> Hmm, the topic of Santiago Díaz de Argandoña refers to  mailboxes at
> summits. And in these cases summit:register:letterbox=yes might be
> appropriate.
> geow
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