I'm a mountaineer in one of those English-speaking countries that you
mention, and I've certainly encountered the practice, which varies from
having a climber's log ('register' is another keyword) at the summit, to a
'letterbox' such as you describe, to a 'geocache' where people leave
trinkets. All of those are key words that might yield fruitful results in
searching for practice in English-speaking countries.

Traditional summit registers could indeed be included. Including other
geocaches is somewhat controversial:
http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Geocaching addresses that issue.
http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Proposed_features/register discusses the
more traditional letterboxes and summit registers, and appears to be an
abandoned proposal.

I'm not an active geocacher, but I sign the register when I happen to visit
a peak that has one. Sometimes it is to record a physical challenge met, or
simply to tell potential rescuers that I passed that way. At other times it
has deep personal meaning, as with
https://www.flickr.com/photos/ke9tv/15077523584. [1] In the case of that
particular register, the club asks that we refrain from sharing exact
coordinates far and wide, because searching for the canisters is part of
the sport. There is no established trail on that particular peak.
https://www.flickr.com/photos/ke9tv/15673754056/ shows what a canister
looks like when you find and open it.

There are, of course, places other than peaks where tourism=register
<http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Proposed_features/register> would make

One thing that caused the 'register' proposal to stumble is that people
confused several different things:

   - a voluntary guestbook for people to record "I was here" and perhaps
   ask for more information
   - a mandatory registration for trail users (usually for safety)
   - a checkpoint on an orienteering course
   - a geocache, which for the reasons stated on the 'Geocaching' page is
   probably not a good candidate for OSM.

The discussion, as I recall, got quite confused, because nobody seemed to
have the same sort of thing in mind.

I would think that the proposal could be adapted to the thing that you
describe: 'tourism=register register:type=letterbox' or some such tagging.
What do you think?

73 de ke9tv/2, Kevin

[1] My stepfather was quite touched. I don't believe that anyone from the
family climbed that mountain in the seventy-four years between the time
that he lost his father and the time I climbed it. It was high time that
his name was graven somewhere near his presumed resting place.

On Tue, Sep 6, 2016 at 11:04 AM, Santiago Díaz de Argandoña <
santiago06d...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Page on OSMWiki
> <http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Proposed_features/man_made%3Dmountaineers_mailbox>
> .
> Some mountains have a "mailbox" at the summit. When mountaineers reach it,
> they may leave a card where they write down their contact data, weather,
> date of the hike... Then, the next mountaineers who reach the summit pick
> the card in order to give it back to the owner (sending it via mail, for
> example).
> I think mountaineer's mailboxes aren't extended into English-speaking
> countries, so if there's a more appropriate term for them, feel free to
> move the proposal page (I took the name from the Wikimedia Commons
> category <https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Category:Mountaineering>) .
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