Den 06.09.2016 20.56, skrev ksg:
Am 06.09.2016 um 20:38 schrieb Kevin Kenny <>:
OK, that sounds good as well. Maybe still have some sort of tagging for the
type so that we can show a letterbox as Mr Díaz de Argandoña requests?
Perfect, may be like "summit:register:letterbox=yes“?
(As I said earlier, I'm unlikely to tag such a beast, because the clubs where I
climb request that climbers not share coordinates of the registers or GPS
tracks of the routes on the peaks without established trails.)
In the Alps summit registers in terms of are not uncommon even on
„insignificant“ peaks.
These are also common on all sorts of peaks in my country (Norway). From
small hills in the forest (usually near the cities) to the steepest
peaks you would have to be a rock climber to reach.
Sometimes it's not even on a peak or a hill, just in a trail crossing or
something like that. The term "summit register" doesn't really fit for
those, but otherwise they look the same and are there for approximately
the same reasons, I believe...
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