2016-02-18 11:40 GMT+01:00 Marc Gemis <marc.ge...@gmail.com>:

> I would like to see something
> "When the structure is fastened with guy wires, you can map it as
> mast. It is not a tower in this case".

this is not completely clear, it seems that there are some towers that are
fastened with guy wires. E.g.
This clearly isn't a mast (or is it?)

> "When the structure is made from steel or concrete, it is not a tower,
> it could be a mast though"  (maybe not the best example).

yes, clearly not the best example ;-)
It's quite obvious that "steel and concrete" can be safely removed from the
definition, as almost any structure is made of concrete or steel (or wood
or masonry), and while a masonry mast likely doesn't exist (a chimney isn't
a mast I think), wooden masts are probably common as well (or are they all
called "pole" then, and the mast is used only in nautical context?).

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