Hi all, Currently man_made=mast has this wiki description:
"A man_made=mast is usually a small tower of only a few meters height. It is often built from concrete or steel and only for a single application like a mobile phone base station." The part "only for a single application" almost always deals with communications, but does it has to be so? Recently someone was trying to map a number of street lamps that were really beyond the regular lamp pole idea. Tagging them with highway=street_lamp would not describe (fully) their function. You can see a picture of that situation here. [1] The location on the map is here. [2] On the map you can see that because of this tagging: man_made=mast mast=lighting they show up on the map as communication towers. Which of course looks rather weird. (*)(**) The design of the lighting on this square is part of the architectural design and could probably be tagged different to do more justice to this type of lighting. Another type of similar lighting is here [3] Do you think that extending the use of man_made=mast with the above used mast=lighting (or maybe better mast:type=lighting) is a useful adddition? Do you have any other thoughts on this? Thanks, Marc. [1] http://www.panoramio.com/photo_explorer#view=photo&position=23&with_photo_id=93337008&order=date_desc&user=7788600 [2] http://www.openstreetmap.org/#map=19/52.23768/6.83967 [3] http://zoom.nl/foto/full/landschap/kijfhoek-in-de-nacht.2436005.html?object=user&object_id=138053 (*) The two leftmost lamp poles have been tagged with highway=street_lamp, and currently do not render (**) I found another example with mast:type=lighting here: http://www.openstreetmap.org/node/3191361778#map=18/56.51507/66.54789 overpass-turbo: http://overpass-turbo.eu/s/esX _______________________________________________ Tagging mailing list Tagging@openstreetmap.org https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/tagging