On 18/02/2016 9:40 PM, Marc Gemis wrote:
On Thu, Feb 18, 2016 at 11:06 AM, Martin Koppenhoefer
<dieterdre...@gmail.com> wrote:
"High masts may be fastened to ground with guy wires."
actually any mast may be fastened to the ground by guy wires, also low ones.
I propose to remove the word "high".
Does "Masts may be fastened to ground with guy wires" helps in the
classification ? You want to drop "It is often build from concrete or
steel" because it does not help. The guy wires sentence looks exactly
the same. It's only when it has guy wires that you know that it is a
mast and not a tower.
Shouldn't we try to rewrite the page so that we have "if it has
characteristic X, it is a mast" of "If it characteristic Y is it
definitely not a tower/mast"
I would like to see something
"When the structure is fastened with guy wires, you can map it as
mast. It is not a tower in this case".
"When the structure is made from steel or concrete, it is not a tower,
it could be a mast though" (maybe not the best example).
Possible problem - only for a few instances;
When used for low frequency radio transmissions the transmission wires may
resemble 'guy wires' .. they may even have a dual function.
I think this will occur so infrequently that it may be ignored on the OSMwiki.
A sample .. just AM not ELF
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