2016-02-18 10:46 GMT+01:00 Martin Koppenhoefer <dieterdre...@gmail.com>:

> [1] http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Tag:man_made%3Dmast
>> <http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Tag:man_made=mast>
> really, this is what I was writing about. You have asked, so here we go:
> it does define some arbitrary rules that don't fit within the general
> meaning of mast

and yet again, this is what the wiki currently defines as a mast, it's the
first paragraph, and I propose to keep nothing of that:
"A man_made=mast is usually a small tower of only a few meters height. It
is often built from concrete or steel and only for a single application
like a mobile phone base station. A tower is accessible and provides
platforms, whereas a mast only offers ladder steps to climb it. You can
also find masts next to motorways or railways. High masts may be fastened
to ground with guy wires."

here are the details, why we shouldn't keep this stuff:

"A man_made=mast is usually a small tower of only a few meters height."

Huh? Something can be a tower and a mast at the same time? Towers that are
"only a few meters high" are anything but similar to a mast, they tend to
be almost as "thick" as high, because they have to provide stuff like walls
and stairs that lead necessarily to a significant footprint, while a mast
necessarily has to be very tall / slim compared to the height, it's within
its basic definition. My proposal: remove this sentence completely.

"It is often built from concrete or steel and only for a single application
like a mobile phone base station."

Stuff like "often" don't help a lot, because they are not exclusive, and if
some mast was built from aluminium, or wood or carbon fibre, it wouldn't be
excluded by this definition. On the other hand, a lot of stuff is made of
steel or concrete, so it doesn't help in this case to say: it must be a
mast, it is of concrete. The "single application" is set here as an
requirement, but really shouldn't IMHO. If a mast holds equipment for
mobile telephony and does transmit radio, it shouldn't be a "mast" any
more? Or if there is also light attached? Or lights and surveillance
cameras on the same mast? I'd remove both, the single application
requirement and the material examples.

"A tower is accessible and provides platforms, whereas a mast only offers
ladder steps to climb it."

I agree that a tower is accessible (well, the kind of tower we are
discussing here, power towers for instance aren't towers from this point of
view), but wouldn't insist on "platforms" (remove them), and a mast _might_
offer ladder steps, but doesn't have to (change this requirement to an

"You can also find masts next to motorways or railways."

Useless sentence, it doesn't help to classifiy and it is not exclusive, I'd
get rid of it, it is like saying "masts can be green and gray" (or any
other colour).

"High masts may be fastened to ground with guy wires."

actually any mast may be fastened to the ground by guy wires, also low
ones. I propose to remove the word "high".


What do you think of these suggestions, is there opposition or should I go
and change the page? (There wasn't a formal proposal to introduce this tag
or any of it's defined requirements, so maybe there isn't a proposal needed
to change it?).

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