On 9 February 2016 at 04:57, Dave Swarthout <daveswarth...@gmail.com> wrote:
> @Matthijs,
> I like what you've done so far. I think using office=government and then 
> following that additional tags to more closely define what sort of 
> administration is done by that office is a good way to proceed.
> I would suggest a minor change to the definition you have above by including 
> a reference to facilities. These might include water and irrigation projects, 
> government controlled utilities and the like.
> The tag office=government is used to tag offices of a
> (supra)national, regional or local government agency or department. In
> these offices, staff work directly for government and carry out
> tasks to administer facilities, operate registries and licensing bureaus, 
> regulate lands and/or people, etc."
> Something like that maybe?

Thanks, I have incorporated this definition in the proposal.

-- Matthijs

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