2016-01-27 21:38 GMT+01:00 Warin <61sundow...@gmail.com>:

> government:level=federal,state,local ?
> OR
> This could also be operator tag = federal_government, etc ... that would
> be more consistent?
> OR
> use admin_level tag from the boundaries tag
> http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Tag:boundary%3Dadministrative#admin_level

yes, as we already have them, the admin_levels seem great to add this
information this way (it will provide the detail relative to the rest of
the map data, i.e. administrative entities). Only problem: if an
institution serves several levels we will either loose information (e.g. by
using only the highest level) or deal with multiple values (but that's no
different from "government:level=state;local". We might even consider using
relations for this, so the area that is served can become member of the
object and the role could tell what the connection is.

I agree with Frederik about the separation of powers and the usage of the
term government (it seems in some countries this distinction is less
prominent and "government" serves as a collector for all kind of official
public powers). For reference, a similar discussion was held here:
an particular from here on:

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