
I like what you've done so far. I think using office=government and then
following that additional tags to more closely define what sort of
administration is done by that office is a good way to proceed.

I would suggest a minor change to the definition you have above by
including a reference to facilities. These might include water and
irrigation projects, government controlled utilities and the like.

The tag office=government is used to tag offices of a
(supra)national, regional or local government agency or department. In
these offices, staff work directly for government and carry out
tasks to administer facilities, operate registries and licensing bureaus,
regulate lands and/or people, etc."

Something like that maybe?
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On Tue, Feb 9, 2016 at 6:31 AM, Matthijs Melissen <i...@matthijsmelissen.nl>

> On 27 January 2016 at 15:03, Frederik Ramm <frede...@remote.org> wrote:
> > 1. In many western civilizations you have a division of state powers in
> > an executive, a legislature, and a judiciary. I believe that you'd
> > normally only call the executive "government", although colloquially
> > people will say "the government has passed a law" or "the government has
> > put him in prison" too.
> Good point, I added an additional tag to clarify that all branches are
> included.
> > For a government=* tag to succeed, it would have to be clearly
> > delineated for what kinds of things it is to be used. The proposed
> > definition is already murky; for example, a job centre or even a museum
> > cashier could be "fully paid for by the government and completely
> > controlled by them". This is not any better defined than
> > amenity=public_building.
> True, coming up with a precise definition is quite hard though. I
> think I would like to include places like job centres, but exclude
> museum cashiers or private bus/road work companies. Would something
> like this work?
> "The tag office=government is used to tag offices of a
> (supra)national, regional or local government agency or department. In
> these offices, staff directly paid for by the government carry out
> administrative jobs to govern the area and/or people."
> Could somebody (perhaps a native speaker) improve on this definition?
> -- Matthijs
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Dave Swarthout
Homer, Alaska
Chiang Mai, Thailand
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