
On 01/27/16 14:26, Matthijs Melissen wrote:
> This didn't get any responses yet on the list. II would be interested
> to hear what other mappers think of this proposal!

1. In many western civilizations you have a division of state powers in
an executive, a legislature, and a judiciary. I believe that you'd
normally only call the executive "government", although colloquially
people will say "the government has passed a law" or "the government has
put him in prison" too.

For a government=* tag to succeed, it would have to be clearly
delineated for what kinds of things it is to be used. The proposed
definition is already murky; for example, a job centre or even a museum
cashier could be "fully paid for by the government and completely
controlled by them". This is not any better defined than

2. At the same time, governments all over the world are vastly
different; in some places, for example, the water works will be closely
guarded government institutions, and in others, private enterprises in
competition to each other. Same with railways and many other utilities
which, at least in socialist countries, tend to be practically
inseparable from government (except that it will be bloody difficult to
assign an admin_level to them). I think that it is very likely that
you'll end up with a vastly varying use of this tag across the world,
with many values limited in use to a single country plus a few uses
sprinkled across the world because nobody understood that a certain type
of office really only exists in three Philippine provinces.

3. Personally I feel that in addition to the above, there's a major
difference between places where the government provides a service to the
citizen - where you go to do something or have something done - and
other places where the government essentially revolves in its own sauce
and you're not even let in to watch. The former is an useful "this is
where you go if you need to <X>" information, the latter is essentially
just for fancy lettering on the map because you won't usually go there
for anything. Much like the difference between a Domino's pizza place
and the Domino's central franchise building. I think that it might make
sense to find different tags for the government "outlets" or "serivce
points" as opposed to government office buildings.


Frederik Ramm  ##  eMail frede...@remote.org  ##  N49°00'09" E008°23'33"

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