2015-11-29 22:49 GMT+01:00 John Willis <jo...@mac.com>:

> > too specific for landuse
> - It is man-altered from natural=* for a specific use (cleared of all
> natural vegetation and planted with a man-chosen display of flowers)
> - it is not landuse=farmland


- it is not landuse=commercial for selling of the flowers, as they are for
> display,

wouldn't that be landuse=retail anyway?

> - the flowering plants may be rotated, but the landuse stays the same:
> flower flower flowers!

I see it now, you are referencing spots like these:
or this: http://hitachikaihin.jp/hana/kochia.html

because you had also posted this one:
and it was this that I had in mind.

For the former, landuse=flower_display sounds ok.
Maybe one might classify it also as "land art"?


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