> On Nov 29, 2015, at 10:53 PM, Martin Koppenhoefer <dieterdre...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
> too specific for landuse
- It is man-altered from natural=* for a specific use (cleared of all natural
vegetation and planted with a man-chosen display of flowers)
- it is not landuse=farmland
crop=flowers for eating or for resale - it is an an attraction in itself, or
the flower part of a flower garden. (The giant flower fields in a mixed use
park, or the large mappable flower areas in a flower park
- it is not landuse=commercial for selling of the flowers, as they are for
- the flowering plants may be rotated, but the landuse stays the same: flower
flower flowers!
- The flowers are not a secondary part - a naturally occurring incidental
display of flowers in a natural=scrub, nor flowers in a barrier=hedge. I assume
surface=flowers/flowering plants or landcover=flowering plants.
The reason I bring these up is because I have been trying to map flower parks
that I visit while taking photos.
There are easily mappable areas in the parks that are "flowering or colorful
plants planted and cultivated for display purposes by man to be a tourist
attraction." They are not scrub, forest, meadows, nor are barrier=hedges,
though a rose is a good barrier.
- Bara-en in Maebashi (giant rose flower park)
- Ashikaga Flower Park (Famous for wisteria)
- Ota Flower Park
- Yokosuka flower park
- Hitachi Seaside park, where the giant hill covered in rotating flowers is.
- Tambara Lavender park (seasonal)
- Gunma Flower Park
Carlsbad flower Fields
Balboa Park's 2 rose gardens
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