On Tue, Nov 03, 2015 at 05:35:53PM +0100, Colin Smale wrote:
> Hi Gerd, 
> Personally from a navigation point of view I expect roundabouts and
> mini-roundabouts to be treated the same, i.e. "take the first exit at

They are currently not - Most navigational software basically does
not know about mini-roundabouts because they are difficult to
preprocess (One needs to add ways).

I'd like mini_roundabouts to disappear and be replaced with
an additional tag on a roundabout which tells about the existance
of an obstacle in the middle which makes it one less special case.


Whatever ... So processing a roundabout is ALWAYS the same from the 
navigational perspective and changes only from route selection when
your vehicle is getting longer.

Florian Lohoff                                                 f...@zz.de
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