For me, area=yes in combination with highway=* 
almost always means something like "please ignore for routing",
that's not what I am looking for.


Von: Daniel Koć <>
Gesendet: Dienstag, 3. November 2015 17:20
An: Tag discussion, strategy and related tools
Betreff: Re: [Tagging] roundabouts without obstacles in the middle

W dniu 03.11.2015 17:14, Gerd Petermann napisał(a):

> I'd also be happy with e.g.
> center_barrier=no
> or just barrier=no
> as an attribute on the ways which make up the junction=roundabout.

For me area=yes would work (because it's the area instead of the line).

"The train is always on time / The trick is to be ready to put your bags
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