Hi Colin,

yes, I think for most drivers the  destinction between the two types is

not needed. I guess that a routing software specilized for large vehicles

would also be able to interpret the circular shape like a



Von: Colin Smale <colin.sm...@xs4all.nl>
Gesendet: Dienstag, 3. November 2015 17:35
An: tagging@openstreetmap.org
Betreff: Re: [Tagging] roundabouts without obstacles in the middle

Hi Gerd,

Personally from a navigation point of view I expect roundabouts and 
mini-roundabouts to be treated the same, i.e. "take the first exit at the 
roundabout" not simply "turn right". In the UK (where there are lot of 
mini-roundabouts) you are expected to drive "around" a painted mini-roundabout, 
and not "over" it, unless the size of your vehicle makes it impossible to do 
otherwise. So I see the main difference being in the way they are tagged in 
OSM: circular way with junction=roundabout, or a simple node with 
highway=mini_roundabout. The radius of the roundabout is not involved in the 
distinction, only the way it is mapped.

In NL there are many small roundabouts with a proper round obstacle in the 
middle, but different surfaces for the inner "lane" and the outer "lane" such 
that you are subconsciously led to follow the outer lane. There is no actual 
barrier or law stopping you using the inner lane however. These roundabouts are 
almost a hybrid between grown-up roundabouts with the central obstacle, and 
mini-roundabouts with no physical obstacle at all.


On 2015-11-03 17:14, Gerd Petermann wrote:

Hi all,

I think the wiki


is very clear about this, one has to connect the roads in a single node

and add the tag highway=mini_roundabout.

However, there seems to be a need to draw a circular way instead.

See my discussion with ij_


I found a few cases where mappers added mini_roundabout=yes as an attribute,

I'd also be happy with e.g.


or just barrier=no

as an attribute on the ways which make up the junction=roundabout.

I also saw a few junction=mini_roundabout on circular ways.

Why not?

Your thoughts?


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