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> Am 27.07.2015 um 02:41 schrieb John Willis <>:
> Martin brought up that in some counties, the military is the police. 
> Defining all the police stations as military facilities would equally be 
> wrong. 

The actual situation is the other way round in Italy: part of the police 
(Carabinieri) is part of the military with all consequences (e.g. their head is 
the ministry of defense), including that the area of their "police station" is 
considered military area (with signs like any other military area).

The situation for the French Gendarmerie National is similar: although they have changed 
it a bit in 2009

In Italy we do map the barracks of the Carabinieri as military in OSM. And the 
same time as amenity=police 
See also here:
(at the bottom there is an (incomplete) list of some of the Italian police 
forces and how to distinguish them in tags)

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