From the wiki page [[Tag:access=designated]]:

"NOTE! The exact key/value combination access=designated should never
appear on an object."

"xxx=designated" means that a road has been specifically designated
for vehicle type xxx. "access=designated" would mean that it was
_specifically_ designated for _everything_. A contradictio in

André Engels

On Fri, Jul 24, 2015 at 3:06 PM, Warin <> wrote:
> so
> landuse=resort .. does not exist .. tourism=resort .. exists .. 110 uses..
> so may well not render.
> access=designated
> with the building tagged
> building=hotel  ... will get rendered
> access=designated
> On 24/07/2015 3:16 PM, johnw wrote:
>> If there was a pilots club, it wouldn't be tagged as an airport.
>> The facilities my be designated for military personnel, but a) this is for
>> recreation - not a military funtcion, and b) it is merely leased lodging.
>> It's like is there was a bar near the base (not on base) for marines - it
>> wouldn't be landuse=military either. It's a bar.  The fact that DoD leases
>> it makes it a tiny bit murky, but I think having a hotel for visiting
>> disneyland is not a Military facility. Would a military recruitment center
>> in a strip mall be tagged as a military installation? I don't think so.
>> It's just a private hotel.
>> Javbw
>>> On Jul 24, 2015, at 6:50 AM, Richard Welty <>
>>> wrote:
>>> so this past week, i was at Disneyworld with my family. as it happens,
>>> my wife is a civilian employee of the department of defense, so we
>>> stayed at shades of green, a resort at Disney leased by the DoD for
>>> use by service members, retirees and civilian employees.
>>> for some reason, in OSM it has a boundary which is tagged
>>> landuse=military
>>> there are no military vehicles, facilities, or weapons at the site, just
>>> off duty service members visiting the land of the giant rodent.
>>> i'm not at all persuaded that this is an appropriate use of
>>> landuse=military.
>>> anyone have an opinion?
>>> richard
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