On 27/07/2015 4:04 AM, Richard Welty wrote:
On 7/24/15 4:07 AM, Martin Koppenhoefer wrote:
sent from a phone
Am 23.07.2015 um 23:50 schrieb Richard Welty <rwe...@averillpark.net>:
i'm not at all persuaded that this is an appropriate use of
I agree that landuse=military seems a bit strange for a holiday resort for
civilian employees and service staff off duty for recreation.
Are there military like access restrictions/security controls to enter that
area? Any particular signs?
there is a gate on the entry road which checks id, but then there are
gates for access to most any
on park resort at WDW with similar checks of guest credentials.
a bunch of this traffic occurred as i was returning from/recovering from
the land of the rodent; sorry for not
replying quicker. i'll bundle a few comments here:
the wiki definition for landuse=military is very broad:
For land areas owned/used by the military for whatever purpose
so the usage is correct if we strictly follow the wiki, but it still
seems odd.
we could tweak the wiki language, for example:
... directly used by the military for basing of troops and equipment,
training and testing of arms, equipment and munitions.
The word "and" above .. if applied logically would mean all of those things
need to be present for the tag landuse=military to be correct.
Substituting "and/or" would allow the mapper to use the tag for any, some or
all of those things.
or we could add this tag or something like it:
i didn't see military=manufacturing in the taginfo list, but we probably
add that in any case; the US DoD operates a number of facilities that
make stuff.
There are a number of commercial firms that make military items .. would these
too be tagged this way?
i am told that the US DoD operates 4 such resorts; i don't know about
the defense
establishments of any other countries.
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