W dniu 29.05.2015 16:34, Arch Arch napisał(a):

There do exist church buildings which are no longer in use as place of
worships. Those can be tagged with building=church without

Sure, I know it. But it would mean that building=church is rather just a building form, not the "amenity" in any way, as suggested. Then if we also make building=industrial + man_made=works, it's kind of logical, because building=industrial would mean "industrial buildings which are no longer in use as works", which of course exist (be it a loft, office, ruins, or just disused buildings) and we may indicate it this way.

But if not, we have no system, just historical cases and a lot of exceptions. I think it's time to try to make some rules instead.

"The train is always on time / The trick is to be ready to put your bags down" [A. Cohen]

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