Zip codes, in the USA, are the same way. They are intended for the post office's routing, and don't necessarily correspond to administrative divisions of the land. A given plot of land may be in one administrative division for tax purposes, yet be lumped into a neighboring division for mail-delivery purposes.

On May 29, 2015 7:34:20 AM Philip Barnes <> wrote:

On Fri, 2015-05-29 at 12:57 +0100, pmailkeey . wrote:

> For some strange reason, RM chose settlements rather than counties to
> determine postcodes.
They chose where the sorting offices were and from that where the lines
of communication went, that is why Market Bosworth (a long way inside
Leicestershire) has a Nuneaton, Warwickshire postcode/postal address and
why Barmouth on the Welsh coast has a Shrewsbury postcode.

Postcodes are a good way to deliver mail, they are pretty rubbish for
anything else.

Phil (trigpoint)

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