On 29 May 2015 at 07:34, Colin Smale <colin.sm...@xs4all.nl> wrote:

> Postcodes don't have addresses, but addresses can have postcodes. I say
> "can have" and not "have" as addresses can exist without postcodes, for
> example when the local authority has named the roads in a new estate but
> the postcodes have not been allocated yet. You need to be able to talk
> about addresses with the utility companies so they can connect all the
> wires and pipes correctly and set up their backoffice systems for the new
> customers. The postcode is often not known at that stage.

Util cos have meter reference points and supply properties without
addresses - including those with 'known' but not confirmed postcodes -
based on existing addressed properties.

> Only Royal Mail think Chepstow is in Gloucestershire, England. Normal
> people think it is in Monmouthshire, Wales. This is the correct postal
> address:
> 1 Bigstone Meadow
> Tutshill
> NP16 7JU

And as expected, no mention of county or country - which RM just don't use.
I'm not sure why you say RM thinks it's in Glocs since it's a Welsh

> (by  the way, I picked this address arbitrarily from the internet. I have
> friends in Tutshill (which is why I am aware of all the gory details here)
> but not at this address)

My aunt lives in Norfolk. Her postcode is Peterborough, Cambridgeshire.

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