But if you tagged it on the 1,000,000 hectare property and it was then displayed at the centroid you'd never find the access to the property as it's centroid is not even close to the road where the address is.

The entrance is here:


but the centroid is about here:


The property across the road is similar, with it's entrance on the same road but the centroid is about 25kms away.

In the case of both these properties a better representation is the name of the property, the first is Lorella Springs and the second is Bauhinia Downs but neither is on the property in osm.

But the node is a perfect representation of where the entrance of the property is and that's what the Australian/New Zealand standard is for addressing.

Copy of standard is here:


If you don't want to read it all it basically says that rural addresses are determined by the entrance to the property and the number is determined by the distance from the reference point for the road. This will be the start of the road for a no through road or as determined for a through road. It also says that moving away from the reference point along the road the even numbers will be on the right and the odd numbers on the left.

This makes it extremely easy for any on to find an address in rural areas of Australia.

For example an address of:

146 A Road
A Locality

Will be 1.46 km from the start of the road on the right hand side as the numbers are increasing.

Like wise:

12677 A Road
Another Locality

will be 126.77 km from the start fo the road on the left hand side.

It also makes it extremely easy to determine how addresses in Australia should be mapped. Not on the property or building.


On 27/05/15 16:18, Martin Koppenhoefer wrote:

Am 27.05.2015 um 02:00 schrieb Ross <i...@4x4falcon.com>:

In Australia the address refers to the property ie the plot of ground that is 
defined by the cadastral plan.

So those plots of ground may  be 600 sq m or 1,000,000 hectares and may have 
zero, one or many buildings.

generally it will be more useful to have an area tagged where there is one, eg 
in your examples above. A node is not a nice representation of an address on a 
1000,000 hectares property

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