Your still missing the point.
Depending on the country, state, area the address does not necessarily
refer to the building.
In Australia the address refers to the property ie the plot of ground
that is defined by the cadastral plan.
So those plots of ground may be 600 sq m or 1,000,000 hectares and may
have zero, one or many buildings.
Easiest way to plot these is on a node at the access point to the plot
of ground.
As someone else pointed out a building may have multiple addresses
particularly when it's on the corner of two streets.
I live near a town of 1500 people. In the main part of the town there
are 5 buildings that have two addresses.
All of these have one address on the main street and one address on the
side street. The reason is that there are two different entrances to
two different businesses.
So how are you going to tag that on the building?
By tagging on a node the actual entrances can be marked and it
accurately maps what is on the ground.
On 27/05/15 09:32, pmailkeey . wrote:
On 27 May 2015 at 00:06, Colin Smale <
<>> wrote:
Mike, you are missing the point... A building and an address are
two different things. A building may have 0 to N addresses. An
address may or may not refer to a building. The "business rules"
to link the two concepts vary by country. An address is not
usually a unique identifier of a building - it's for getting the
post delivered to the right letter box.
I don't think I'm missing the point. People have addresses and that
usually relates to their dwelling - so it's correct to attach the
address to the dwelling rather than a node of the dwelling. There is
one building where I've placed a mailbox (private) on the building as
it is not near the usual main entrance.
The point is, the house number should go on the area, not the node and
not both.
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