I welcome this idea.
Le 3 avril 2015 13:09:07 GMT+02:00, Warin <61sundow...@gmail.com> a écrit :
>Don't like that idea... The 'voting' needs to be yes/no otherwise it is
>too much of a judgement call that will not make sense to most.
>If something is rejected.. then if someone cares enough they can simply
>make a wiki page .. just as if they had never had a vote on the
>The true assessment of a tag is ...
>the number of times it is used (relative to the perceived occurance of
>the feature)
>if it is rendered (even if only on one map)
>New mappers will simply look for a tag.. if they find two or more
>that may suit they will probably chose the best fit (I hope).
>[Presently trying to deal with radio telescopes .. tagged one way in
>Australia and another in Africa, and then there are mazes .. at least
>two ways for them too]
>On 3/04/2015 9:56 PM, Jan van Bekkum wrote:
>> One more idea: why do we need a binary outcome of the voting?
>> Something like endorsement= positive/neutral/negative (the current
>> approve, abstain, reject) as an indicator tells much more (together
>> with tag use). Examples:
>> * Endorsement=50/0/2 - very good, important tag (much involvement)
>> go on and use
>> * Endorsement=10/0/1 - good tag, of interest to a small group - go
>> on and use
>> * Endorsement=35/4/28 - not a very good tag, but about an important
>> topic - nothing better possible?
>> * Endorsement = 4/0/3 - not a very good tag, but few people care -
>> use as you see fit
>> On Fri, Apr 3, 2015 at 12:05 PM Jan van Bekkum
>> <jan.vanbek...@gmail.com <mailto:jan.vanbek...@gmail.com>> wrote:
>> Will it be clear for new mappers what the difference is between
>> published and documented (i.e. someone created a wiki page that
>> describes a tag without voting or one that didn't collect enough
>> votes)? Wouldn't endorsed be better?
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