I have to admit I admire the problem but do not have an answer.
What I would like to suggest that dropping the "desk" part and just using
"reception" could make it more conducive to the various applications being
It could then be added as a subcategory to the area/building such as
reception=desk...reception=area.......reception=kiosk.. and would
accommodate the problem of more than one type of reception within a complex
such as an hotel (reception=tourism...reception=hotel). Or at an airport
complex where multiple receptions exist such as hotel, car hire,etc.
Using this would then also not clash with the amenity tag.
Hope I am not adding more confusion to the problem.
Ralph (RAytoun)

On 8 February 2015 at 10:33, Andreas Goss <andi...@t-online.de> wrote:

> As
>>> >this tag is always going to be used within another entity I think we
>>> should
>>> >rather look towards something like indoor tagging or other subtags. In
>>> >addition using amenity for reception desk would for example prevent you
>>> from
>>> >placing it on the node of the amenity and use one node for both.
>> Not to defend the amenity key, but I wonder if there is a need to tag
>> the reception if the whole object (including the reception) deserves
>> just a single node.
> Well, you could have an amenity inside a very large bulding where you have
> multiple entrances. Then you could use the amenity node to indicate that
> it's actually placed at a certain spot, because the reception is there. In
> addition it makes it clear to which amenity the reception desk belongs, as
> a different amenity in the same building could have the reception desk at
> the other side of the bulding.
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