Maybe there is a need for something like… a tag for office=* which may cover 
the different public or employee facing building types

where the common facilities you would find in each category would be taggable, 
so you can tag a point or a building as certain types of facilities.

office=reception (no desk, because it could be a desk, building, hut, area)

I’m having difficulty about what “sections” or office_centric amenities could 
exist outside of existing general amenities, so maybe this is a crap idea - but 
it would the the alternative would to be to put it into amenity, or ignore the 
“commercial” reception desks (which is a big mistake, I think) and make  
hospitality=* key (for hotels, camps, etc), but I think it would be similarly 
difficult to fill out a that tag either, as it would be full of general 
amenities (gym, laundry, restaurant,)  hospitality=item_check is the only one I 
can think of off the top of my head. 

so maybe amenity=reception(_desk) is the best idea. 


> On Feb 8, 2015, at 8:20 AM, Warin <> wrote:
> On 8/02/2015 3:41 AM, Kotya Karapetyan wrote:
>>>> Amenity is the best fit for this tag.
>>> I disagree. (Usually that just means "I didn't find anything better")
>> +1
>> "Amenity" is very vague in general (), and a lot of things can be
>> marked as such. So I'd prefer to use it only when it's an obvious
>> choice or there is nothing better.
>> What about using "office"?
> An office - such as office=government may well have a reception desk. If you 
> mark both you will have an office inside an office unless you do an internal 
> multipollygon .. lot of work for what maybe a single node to mark the 
> location of a reception desk? 
>> I was also surprised to discover that there was not key for "booth" in
>> OSM. (And of course all currently available booths ended in "amenity"
>> :) ) Shall we maybe introduce it?
>> Cheers,
>> Kotya
> The only 'booth' I can think of to map would be an 'information booth' .. and 
> that already exists .. twice over !
> <>
> <>
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