> Warin 61sundowner at gmail.com
> Sat Jan 17 21:27:13 UTC 2015
> Less work if intermittent is simply used without the frequency extension
> .. thus:
> intermittent=yes/no/winter/spring/summer/autum/seasonal/ephemeral (default
> assumption of "no")
> Note 'fall' = northern American english, 'autum' for english english ?
> Comments: An intermittent=winter may not flow every winter .. but it is
> 'expected' to flow in winter. This year the 'Todd River' flowed in central
> Australia, usually there is no folw, might flow evrey 5? years. As such it is
> 'ephemeral'. As it is called a 'River' by the locals and on maps and by the
> government so it is tagged in OSM. I looked at wadi ... but it does not match
> my understanding nor local use.
There is continuing discussion regarding fords of intermittent waterways, but
my feeling was a consensus was reached with respect to extending intermittent
intermittent=yes/no/winter/spring/summer/autumn/seasonal/ephemeral (default
assumption of "no")
To that end, I've edited the talk page for the intermittent tag at
What would be the next step in working toward getting the actual wiki page for
the intermittent tag updated without stepping on too many toes.
I see that RicoZ has already made a change to the wiki page for waterway=wadi
tagging that seem to be a result of this same tagging email thread.
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