Hi all, I've just discovered a document published by ENTSO-E which is the European authority for power Transmission System Operators (like RTE in France or TenneT in Germany : https://www.entsoe.eu/about-entso-e/inside-entso-e/member-companies/Pages/default.aspx )
This document summarizes a couple of principles for power system elements codification. http://clients.rte-france.com/htm/fr/vie/telecharge/EIC-Reference%20Manual%20v4r4.pdf I think it would be great to introduce the key ref:EU:EIC to tag transmission power lines, power plant or transmission power substation with it. These codes seem to be unique all around Europe and they would allow us to sustainably identify a lot of features (instead of using the OSM ID only). I only found one instance of eic_code=* on taginfo which actually concern a feature located in Czech Republic (they do have a wikipedia page for it http://cs.wikipedia.org/wiki/EIC_k%C3%B3d) If everyone agree about the key, I may add it to the Power Transmission Refinement proposal https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Proposed_features/Power_transmission_refinement All the best *François Lacombe* fl dot infosreseaux At gmail dot com www.infos-reseaux.com @InfosReseaux <http://www.twitter.com/InfosReseaux>
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