On Sun, 2014-08-03 at 10:43 -0400, Richard Welty wrote:
> the common rule of thumb is counter service vs. table service. even
> so, there are occasional grey areas (e.g., at Hardees you order at
> the counter but they deliver to your table, still fast food in my
> book.)

Whataburger is like this as well, and they definitely would be fast food
as they also have a drive-thru.

> and it produces slightly quirky results, for example the most
> excellent deli Gershon's in Schenectady has table service but the most
> excellent deli Maurice's in Albany has counter service. they are
> otherwise very similar restaurants. it kind of makes you wish we
> didn't have fast_food and instead had detailed tags, as another
> suggested.

+1. I think this tagging system needs to be reworked. At minimum
amenity=restaurant being as restricted as it is to table service causes
more problems than it might solve.

Shawn K. Quinn <skqu...@rushpost.com>

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