> Am 13/giu/2014 um 17:36 schrieb Satoshi IIDA <nyamp...@gmail.com>:
> "man_made=shinto_gate" or "man_made=gate" + "religion=shinto" is sounds good 
> for me.
> (Shinto gate(Torii) is not barrier, city gate or some barriers to block 
> people's traffic.)
> Hence. man_made=gate is found only 20 samples from taginfo.

yes, would probably use the more specific shinto_gate value to avoid confusion 
with other gates

> > cross
> "***=wayside_cross" + "religion?=celtic" is possible? to represent celtic 
> cross.
> IMHO, all the cross is not geared for christian.

AFAIK it is still christian, also the Celtic cross. 

> Off topic.
> Similar specific tag is "brewery".
> http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Key:brewery
> It is beer specific description on wiki. But I think it is more broader word 
> to represent brew.
> (like "brewery" + "brew?=beer, wine, sake or so")

a brewery is only for brewing, while wine will be made in the wine press 
without "brewing" (there is also fermentation by the aid of yeast , but the 
terminology is different AFAIK). Brewing has boiling involved, while wine 
making hasn't. Maybe "brewery" might be a suitable term for places that produce 
sake, but I'm sure you know this better then me ;-)

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