2014-06-13 9:44 GMT+02:00 Volker Schmidt <vosc...@gmail.com>:

> Man_made=cross or historic=wayside_cross similarly is geared for Christian
>> religion,
> This is clearly not religion-neutral and I would like to see some neutral
> tags for these objects

While I agree that wayside_shrine + religion=* is fine, I don't see why we
should make crosses "religion-neutral". They could be seen as implying
religion=christian, but there really is no problem with having those tags.

> but there are millions upon millions of Shinto Gates and small figures of
>> Buddha (ones you wouldn't think of as "statues", like the big copper buddha
>> at Kamakura) - but the existing tags are not religious-neutral and paired
>> with the religion tag or a subtag to handle these; ie
>> manmade=ReligiousSymbol, religiousSymbol= Wayside Cross, Shinto Gate,
>> Buddha Statue, Spaghetti Meatball, etc....

why not directly tag man_made=shinto_gate? Or sculpture=buddha (together
with religion-tags if you like)? Seems more consistent with our current
tagging approach and is simpler. Not sure if man_made is the best key for
this, I've always seen "man_made" as a category for technical stuff, but on
the other hand it seems there have been inserted also some features which
are of different nature, like "cross", "campanile" (any reason this is not
tagged with building=bell_tower / campanile ?).
http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Key:man_made and even landcover/landuse
values (clearcut and cutline).

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