On 21.01.2013 01:54, François Lacombe wrote:
May someone answers that question

power=station is used for large, fenced areas where high voltage is transformed to medium voltage. In German: Umspannwerk

power=sub_station is used for smaller objects, like buildings with 2m each side and a height of a few m, where medium voltage is transformed to low voltage. In German: Trafohäuschen (or Trafostation)

On 24.01.2013 09:52, François Lacombe wrote:

I found that proposal, which was converted in RFC and finally accepted by

No, it was rejected. It did not get enough votes.

It's clearly written there's a spelling problem around substation vs sub
In fact, power=substation seems to be better than power=sub_station since a
sub station is a sub marine facility.

Should we take care of that?

Maybe. Spelling errors have been corrected in other cases too (e.g. type=broad_leafed).

In this case it seems to be a minor problem as 'station' and
'sub_station' are rendered the same way in Mapnik and probably most
other renderers as well.

That does not mean that they are the same thing. Many types of objects which are part of map features are not rendered by Mapnik at all.

On 24.01.2013 10:40, François Lacombe wrote:
Consensus seems to emerge from this discussion, I would edit the wiki like
polderrunner explained.

This is a consensus among 2 persons at best. This does not legitimate you to make vast changes to the Wiki. There should at least be a topic in the wiki talk page for some months.

And first of all you should contact user "aliponte" who did a lot of work mapping power networks in central Europe.

* Deprecation (not removal) of power=station, power=substation (and all
other values), message adding at the top of keys' pages. power=sub_station
will be the only valid value. It will encourage mappers to migrate existant
power=station to power=sub_station.
* Removing all the links to the keys' pages.
* Editing all pages refering to power=station, power=substation and
eventually update to power=sub_station.
* Moving all good stuff from power=station to power=sub_station if needed
and relevant.

Finally, valid stuff will be located at :

Do everyone agree with that?

No, I disagree.

On 24.01.2013 16:11, Chris Hill wrote:
I agree the word is substation, but sadly there are 75,700+ entries for
sub_station and only 18 entries for substation.

Seems like a bot has been correcting substation to sub_station. So it cannot be concluded that sub_station is 4200x more popular than substation.

However, I agree with you that there's already too much application support for sub_station to just drop it in the wiki.

The good method for migrating is the one used to change highway=gate into
barrier=gate by adding the new tag and leaving the old for a long changeover
time, thus not breaking any data consumers uses. I don't think that would
work well for this subtle change as many would not know which tag was right.
A mass edit changeover to substation would break a lot of renders etc, so I
suspect we are stuck with sub_station for now.

We could use the standard voting procedure in order to enable mappers and developers to get notified of the change. The question is: Is the spelling error really that ugly to justify the effort?

On 24.01.2013 22:46, Ole Nielsen wrote:
I have now marked http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Tag:power%3Dstation as
deprecated, removed 'power=station' from the "power features" template
meaning it's gone from all language versions of Map Features using the
template and removed links from a few feature pages.

This is really bad. Please revert these changes immediately. Otherwise I'll do it, but I am afraid that I would miss some of the affected pages.

Friedrich K. Volkmann       http://www.volki.at/
Adr.: Davidgasse 76-80/14/10, 1100 Wien, Austria

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