I wrote a Python script to upload them to Openstreetbugs. Now I'm looking
at OSMOSE and I noticed it also has a category for Openstreetbugs. I think
it still needs to be synchronized, as I see only the bugs that were already
present yesterday. If people prefer to use OSMOSE, this is certainly
possible. I like that they are in OSB, as it has integration in Vespucci
and OsmAND, so I can see while mapping that there is something needing some
more attention.

Is a plugin available to integrate OSMOSE into JOSM?

And most importantly: where do I find how to contribute 'bugs' to OSMOSE,
is there an API?


2012/11/22 Ab_fab <gamma....@gmail.com>

> André,
> Please note that for the case of Osmose [1] quality insurance tool, there
> is an "Integration" category
> (last category in the left menu)
> The intention is to provide markers for elements available from datasets
> published on open data portals.
> These markers are not elements already in OSM database.
> You may check for example the level crossing category : [2]
> Each marker indicates the rough location of a level crossing referenced by
> French railways company (SNCF)
> Click on a marker, and you will see a proposition for tagging.
> In this case, railway = level_crossing and a source indication
> In case you use JOSM, open it, and click on the JOSM fix hyperlink. It
> will create a node with the description in JOSM data layer, ready for
> **integration**
> Integration means that there are preliminary verifications to be done for:
> _ The actual existence of a level_crossing (many are replaced by bridges)
> _ The location of the level crossing, based on aerial data [3]
> As you can see, Osmose is mostly used in this case as a hint to indicate
> that a level crossing can be added close to the marker.
> Could be done the same way to indicate that there is a "zone 30" nearby.
> But no need to put inacurate data first in the OSM database.
> Hope it clarifies
> [1] http://osmose.openstreetmap.fr
> [2]
> http://osmose.openstreetmap.fr/map/?zoom=12&lat=45.52053&lon=5.52957&layers=B000FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFT&item=8060&level=1,2,3
> (3]
> http://osmose.openstreetmap.fr/map/?zoom=16&lat=45.62616&lon=4.26128&layers=B000FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFT&item=8060&level=1,2,3
> 2012/11/22 A.Pirard.Papou <a.pirard.pa...@gmail.com>
>>  On 2012-11-21 21:40, Ben Laenen wrote :
>> On Wednesday 21 November 2012 21:16:24 A.Pirard.Papou wrote:
>>  Can we spend the time you speak of checking that everyone's favorite
>> Inspector is highlighting the errors and that they are not masking other
>> errors or pissing off people.
>>  Ugh, this isn't about pissing off people, this is about importing data, and
>> importing data has to follow a set of guidelines: 
>> http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Import/Guidelines
>> And that said, I don't think we should add nodes to the database which are at
>> some random point near a zone 30 (like the one in Brussels spanning a few
>> square kilometers...). But at the very least you'll have to check each node 
>> to
>> see if it's already mapped on the road.
>> But I have a problem with this: if some application wants to use the data, 
>> the
>> maxspeed has to be mapped on the road anyway, which requires local survey of
>> where the zone starts and ends. It can't make use of a node somewhere near 
>> the
>> road. So this would in fact be mapping for the mapper...
>> Greetings
>> Ben
>>  I hope it's clear that I don't mean uploading that data to stay.
>> It's just for people to spot work to do, do it and delete the node.
>> An application using speed data must ignore maxspeed on nodes.
>> Or warn about the error which is exactly what we want.
>> If we put it in a list somewhere or on OSB, no one will look at it.
>> If we produce OSM* errors, taggers will find them and they're usually
>> working in their neighbo[u]rhood.
>> But I won't fight for my idea if someone wants to make sth else.
>> Well, it seems we are inventing something: introducing in OSMI/OSMOSE
>> errors for missing data (we have partial data).  In specific words, if we
>> could sort of upload that data to the OSM* databases without uploading
>> bogus data to OSM itself,  and clear the condition (remove that OSM* data
>> after OSM fix), no one could be unhappy.
>> This is why I like to share this kind of discussion with Tagging.  In
>> case there would be a leak.
>> Cheers,
>>   André.
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> "Il n'y a pas de pas perdus", Nadja
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