On 2012-11-21 22:45, Jo wrote :
Adding 1000 nodes to the OSM DB, which are meant to be deleted once again seems like some sort of pollution.
I said: non obtrusive. That is, believed to be harmless. That is, not seen on the map, not retrieved by any application, just appearing on both OSMI and OSMOSE. There are many more than 1000 things in OSM whose destination is destruction. Resembling this Zone 30, all the FIXMEs here and there, like quite a number of "admin_level shouldn't be 4" on the borderline of England (without telling what it should be ("what do I try next, 8?") ). A French guy on the GPS list said that those POIs saved him money. But I won't fight for that ;-)
On the other hand it would be possible to join them to the ways, since the ways need to be split anyway as the maxspeed changes there.
Ouch. They are POIs, so, often near the middle of the way, probably at a school door.
The best you could do is extend them by 100 m both side.
That would mean that the POIs' data wouldn't be flashing, that nobody would care to check and that real bogus data would have been introduced.
Kaly nychta,
Avrio to proï, Gèrètè ( don' t know much). добрый вечер. пока.


2012/11/21 A.Pirard.Papou <a.pirard.pa...@gmail.com <mailto:a.pirard.pa...@gmail.com>>

    On 2012-11-21 14:47, Sander Deryckere wrote :
    Always take some time, you knew that uploading 1000 POI wasn't
    going to be appreciated.

    Uploading bugs to OpenStreetBugs is very easy. A few lines of
    bash or perl code would do
    I'm sorry not to always make every answer personal.

    I have just been round correcting a 20+ bugs of OSB over a rather
    large area (low density).
    Most of what I did was erasing the requests because they had
    already been corrected outside OSB, even 1 or 2 years ago. Other
    bugs were saying things like "priority is the other way" without
    thinking that if it was corrected outside OSB too, doing what is
    said would set the priority wrong again.
    On the other hand, we have just heard of Teddy: kudos, Teddy:
    I have worked with http://tools.geofabrik.de/osmi/ hto fix error
    of routing. 2 months of work and hundreds of roads have been
    corrected in Wallonia and in the surrounding area. Pffff, it is
well advanced...
    New crater on Earth.
    This is why I believe more in OSMI/OSMOSE than in OSB.

    But the problem isn't in uploading to OSB or OSM, it's checking
    if there isn't already a speed limit present. The OSM database
    shouldn't be filled with duplicate data if the data is already
    okay.  For OSB, this might be less of a problem, but it's still
    not wanted.
    As I have just explained, someone finding an already corrected
    problem is just half surprised, the less if he is warned why, and
    he feels like working terribly fast ;)
    I betcha some would rush
    Does anyone see a way on how to achieve this?
    Да. Jo the Polyglot, winfi...@gmail.com
    <mailto:winfi...@gmail.com> as he wrote this afternoon

    On 2012-11-21 16:53, Jo wrote :
    I may have a way to upload them to OSB. The API is indeed quite
    accessible. In order to take out the ones that are already in the
    OSM data, I can download all the maxspeed=30 with Overpass API
    and remove the ones which have end nodes near to them.

    I'll see what I can do with some help from PostGIS.


    I'm standing by, finger on the trigger. When you want.



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