On 2012-11-23 19:48, Martin Koppenhoefer wrote :
2012/11/21 A.Pirard.Papou <a.pirard.pa...@gmail.com <mailto:a.pirard.pa...@gmail.com>>

    Is the error having no speed limit or having a dummy node showing
    there should be a limit?

For maxspeed you could either
a) tag a sign position (on a node) to show: here starts (or continues) the speed limit. b) and (more important) you should tag the speed limit to the part of the highway it applies to.

In your case you can't do a) (because the positions you have are not sign positions) and you can't do b) (because you have just node positions and don't know where the limit starts or ends).

As this data is not helpful, you shouldn't import it at all.

That has been said 10 times and I (I suppose, why me?) was accused not to reply.
So I do:  I  think we can stop.  PLEASE!

1) someone now uploaded the POI data to OSB
2) I said several times that, by uploading it to OSM, the helpfulness would *NOT* be to have meaningful data in OSM but to have innocuous markers producing OSMOSE and OSMI errors. They would have been spotted by mappers only and removed once the corresponding Zone30 limit was mapped or when believed that keeping the markers is vain. It's written in the tags. Too difficult to understand.


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