Am 18.10.2012 16:25, schrieb Simone Saviolo:
2012/10/18 Eugene Alvin Villar <
On Fri, Oct 12, 2012 at 4:15 PM, Simone Saviolo
< <>> wrote:
> 2012/10/12 Eugene Alvin Villar <
>> However, I personally don't think your example of putting the
URLs to
>> a place's webpage on foursquare, Google+, Yelp, TripAdvisor,
etc. is
>> the way to go.
>> OSM is not a link directory so adding many such links on the OSM
>> database doesn't seem appropriate. One or two is maybe OK.
> I don't agree. If we follow that reasoning consistently, we may
> that tagging a bar on OSM is wrong, because OSM is not a bar
directory, and
> its name may change, and it may close, etc.
The difference between a link directory and a bar directory is that
bars have physical locations and make them amenable to be included in
the OSM database.
That is not the case with links to third-party websites.
Ok, then what about their opening hours? What about their operator, or
their cuisine?
Cuisine often is essential even for the basic map stuff: a map about
pizzarias vs. a map about chinese restaurants, or a map that has
distinct icons for different food and drink facilities.
The operator might be interesting, too, e.g. to get all parking spaces
operated by a specific company, all bus stops operated by a particular
public transport operator and so on, again e.g. as a map.
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