Am 18.10.2012 16:54, schrieb Simone Saviolo:
2012/10/18 Peter Wendorff <
Cuisine often is essential even for the basic map stuff: a map
about pizzarias vs. a map about chinese restaurants, or a map that
has distinct icons for different food and drink facilities.
The operator might be interesting, too, e.g. to get all parking
spaces operated by a specific company, all bus stops operated by a
particular public transport operator and so on, again e.g. as a map.
Good explanation, I like this. However there is still the opening
hours. How would you use it on a map? Would you make a dynamic map in
which only amenities that are open *now* are drawn?
that's one possible, and I remember at least one map where exactly that
was done (but I don't know the link currently).
A student community at my university operates a page with delivering
restaurants including "open", "opening soon", "closed", "closing soon".
It allows to find a currently open pizza delivery to place your order.
Currently there isn't a map and they don't use osm data for that, but
it's useful for students who forget to buy something for dinner while
sitting in the university and learning ;)
If data like this was wrong, it would be a disaster!
That's the beat-all argument to stop operating osm as a whole.
It's a similar disaster if your garmin fails to find the destination
point and much more. That's not different here.
Amenity visibilty would be tampered with by simply editing its opening
Now you're talking about vandalism? wrong data because of people
willingly adding wrong opening hours to e.g. hide competitors?
That's nothing due to opening hours, without it would be as easy to
delete the restaurant as a whole.
Now I'm probably exaggerating, but the point is that opening hours is
the same kind of "OpenAmenityDirectory" information as links to web
pages are. You can't use it geographically to make a map about opening
That's true for every tag to a certain degree.
As described above: I can do a (e.g. web) map that marks restaurants as
open or closed. I can do a map that shows the website of the object.
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