2011/2/3 M∡rtin Koppenhoefer <dieterdre...@gmail.com>:
> 2011/2/2  <j...@jfeldredge.com>:
>> Obelisks are also fairly common as grave markers, although you would 
>> probably tag those differently than obelisks raised to commemorate some 
>> event.
> We should propose to tag the height as well. There are not so many
> ancient egyptian obelisks in the world (actually most of them are in
> Rome, and there are "only" 13 pieces).

we could have an additional tag for the size which aims at cases where
exact data is not easily available:
with values
"monumental" (would be everything say above 6 meters height)
"modern" (not sure for the wording), would be everything between small
and monumental
"small" would be everything inferior to 1 meter.


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