M∡rtin Koppenhoefer <dieterdreist@...> writes:

> ... E.g.
> in Rome there is a lot of obelisks, and they are very easy to identify
> , but tagging their original purpose or what they should remind of
> might be disputed or hard to find out. ...
> Generally spoken, an obelisk (like a column) can
> be read as a "phallus" and has the connotation of power and centre ---
> But I do think that you are right: they will in most cases be
> monuments (historic=monument). This would IMHO support the idea to map
> them with a tag that is not "historic" itself, i.e. man_made=obelisk
> (pro: follows the man_made=tower logics) or building=obelisk (pro: is
> already rendered  ). Or use memorial:type=obelisk in conjunction.
An obelisk is something you really want to map. I think the most striking thing
about them is how they stand out in the surroundings.

No key is really spot-on, well maybe landmark but that is used on seamaps to
mark prominent features on the horizon.

So how to tag prominent features on the streets and squares. I think that there
should be some general tag for all free standing columns and some special tag to
separate the obelisk.

My suggestion is man_made=column

There is alot in common between the columns and other prominent monuments and
such, like statues, fountains and different kinds of modern sculpture.
maybe man_made=sculpture is an even more general tag?

/Johan Jönsson

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