On 01/02/2011 13:35, M∡rtin Koppenhoefer wrote:
2011/2/1 Craig Wallace<craig...@fastmail.fm>:
As that Wikipedia article says, its just a particular style/shape of
monument or memorial.
So I think it would be best tagged as historic=monument or
historic=memorial, plus a subtag for obelisk.
Maybe something like monument:style=obelisk ?
This could be a way, but I am not yet convinced. Churches, temples and
towers are also monuments, but we don't tag them currently as subtypes
of monument. Indeed the tag historic=monument is very vague and
therefor not very useful IMHO.
I don't think churches / temples are really monuments, at least that's
not their primary purpose. That purpose is to provide a place of
worship. I think a tower can be a monument (and tagged as such), if that
is why it was built.
There's quite a few other monument/memorial styles that would be useful to
tag, eg statue, fountain, spire etc.
Can you expand on the difference between memorial and monument? AFAIK
a monument states that an object is "monumental" = big, bigger then
human scale. Memorial is instead referring to a structure errected to
remind about someone/something. In OSM they are exclusive (you cannot
use both). I have the feeling that these 2 tags are broken by design,
but they are very useful, because beeing so generic you can use them
for lots of stuff ;-)
I think both monument and memorial are (usually) for structures in
memory of something.
The difference is more about the relative importance - ie if its the
most important one in the country, and famous etc, then its a monument.
If its just for a fairly local event or single person, then its a memorial.
So not so much about the physical size, though monuments are usually
bigger than memorials.
Though its true that this is poorly defined, its not always clear
whether to tag something as a monument or memorial.
Maybe it would be better to use them as flags? Describe the features
with some tags, and add monument=yes (for monumental stuff) or
memorial=yes (for stuff to remind about something). It could also be
memorial=first_world_war (or memorial:topic=first_world_war)
I think its best to have one generic tag, for any structure in memory of
something/someone, eg historic=memorial.
Then use extra tags to specify what it is in memory of
(memorial:topic=), plus the physical style (statue, obelisk). Maybe also
a tag for the relative importance/significance, eg is it just a village
memorial, or is it of national importance.
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