I suspect that I am not the only one who has been confused by the totally-unrelated meanings of highway=track (a minor, rural road) and cycleway=track (a cycleway along side an automobile road). I don't know which one came first, but it is unfortunate that the naming scheme wasn't more consistent.
-------Original Email------- Subject :Re: [Tagging] Differences in cycleways >From :mailto:stevag...@gmail.com Date :Fri Jan 07 00:23:56 America/Chicago 2011 On 6/01/2011 12:25 PM, Nathan Edgars II wrote: > How about railway=* cycleway=track? > http://www.railstotrails.org/ourWork/trailBuilding/toolbox/informationSummaries/rails-with-trails.html Heh, didn't think about that. I wouldn't do it, because in practice those kinds of trails tend to weave around a bit anyway. The idea of "cycleway=track" meaning "a separate way parallel to this one" is problematic I think. It works ok in the context of a road where the "track" is always immediately adjacent to the side of the road (or in some cases is actually within the road surface, but divided some other way). Steve _______________________________________________ Tagging mailing list Tagging@openstreetmap.org http://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/tagging -- John F. Eldredge -- j...@jfeldredge.com "Reserve your right to think, for even to think wrongly is better than not to think at all." -- Hypatia of Alexandria _______________________________________________ Tagging mailing list Tagging@openstreetmap.org http://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/tagging