I would take cycleway=track to mean that the cycleway probably has a gravel, 
cinder, or bare dirt surface, with minimal, if any, road cuts.  In effect, it 
is a footpath intended primarily for bicycle use.

-------Original Email-------
Subject :[Tagging] Differences in cycleways
>From  :mailto:rob...@elsenaar.info
Date  :Wed Jan 05 12:20:23 America/Chicago 2011

Looking on tags for cycleways I find 3 different types: 
highway=cycleway: obvious these are free ways like here 
cycleway=lane: obvious a part of the carway mostly indicated by picture on the 
street or with a other colour. 
But ...... now there is a problem. 
Who can give me examples on Google street view of what we have to concider to 
be cycleway-tracks? 
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John F. Eldredge -- j...@jfeldredge.com
"Reserve your right to think, for even to think wrongly
is better than not to think at all." -- Hypatia of Alexandria
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