This is indeed a great cycleway=track. By the way it is nice that the
feature has
been approved.
Your example can be taggen by:
In fact it is cycleway:both=track, but with no :right or :left we mean that
the track is on both sides.
Question for everybody:
Supposein Richards example the grass lane between highway and cyclewaytrack
is about 2 meters and they have planted a few trees on that grass lane.
Can we still call this a cycleway track?
-----Oorspronkelijk bericht-----
From: Richard Mann
Sent: Friday, January 07, 2011 10:17 PM
To: Tag discussion, strategy and related tools
Subject: Re: [Tagging] Differences in cycleways,+United+Kingdom&ll=51.763179,-1.235468&spn=0,0.009602&z=17&layer=c&cbll=51.763263,-1.235435&panoid=2D4TwRiiHwpu0OraA8vbPA&cbp=12,7.14,,0,5
Some people (not me particularly) might complain that your example has
cycle tracks that are shared with pedestrians. The example above has
separate footways and cycle tracks on both sides (and priority for the
cycle tracks at side roads, which is a distinct novelty for the UK!)
On Fri, Jan 7, 2011 at 8:57 PM, Robert Elsenaar <>
Ladies and gentlemen,
All great thoughts. Peter i take your critisism on the right way.
Still you didn't answer my call for help.
Let go back to the base of my question:
Who can give me examples on Google street view of what we have to
concider to be cycleway-tracks?
- Go to Google map Streetview
- find a good example of what you consider to be a cycleway=track
- Use the "Link" in the left upper corner
- Post this link.
Let me start:,5.701776&spn=0.006163,0.021136&z=16&layer=c&cbll=52.235696,5.701937&panoid=amiIS_Sdj-ssgyQipVgJ3Q&cbp=12,274.9,,1,4.23
This is a real cycleway track I think
Please post your ultimate cycleway=track !!!!!!!
-----Oorspronkelijk bericht----- From: Richard Mann
Sent: Friday, January 07, 2011 3:56 PM
To: Tag discussion, strategy and related tools
Subject: Re: [Tagging] Differences in cycleways
On Fri, Jan 7, 2011 at 2:30 PM, <> wrote:
I suspect that I am not the only one who has been confused by the
totally-unrelated meanings of highway=track (a minor, rural road) and
cycleway=track (a cycleway along side an automobile road). I don't know
which one came first, but it is unfortunate that the naming scheme wasn't
more consistent.
Sorry. English has a habit of doing that, but it matches what highway
engineers/planners call them. They wouldn't pick "cycleway" as the
name for the key, however (they'd use cycle_facility or
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