2010/11/14 Craig Wallace <craig...@fastmail.fm>:
>> BTW: There was exactly *no* good example, which real world problem could
>> be solved with landcover that can't be done with: surface, natural
>> and/or landuse.
> I think it would help with the mess of natural=wood vs landuse=forest.
> eg if I see an area of trees, I don't know whether or not it is "natural" or
> "managed". Best to just have a tag that says this land is covered with
> trees. Then you can add extra tags for how managed it is (if you know that),
> plus tag what type of trees it is, and what it is used for etc.
> So I think a tag of something like landcover=trees would be very useful.

I'm actually already doing this: landcover=tree. There is already 2545
entities of them in the db. You could still use a different surface
there by the way, so it is not superfluous.
Also landcover=scree, grass, ice, sand
are good values IMHO. Probably we should simply start using them.


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