On 13/11/2010, at 12.40, Ulf Lamping wrote:

How is landcover orthogonal to landuse / natural?

Because you can imagine a landcover area overlapping -- or being a part of -- a landuse area. For example, landuse=nature_reserve might include landcover=heath, landcover=trees, landcover=lava_field. And these may also include areas outside of the nature reserve and be part of an adjacent landuse=farmyard.

OSM tags were not delivered to us on stone tablets. They are constantly evolving because new and surprising uses and ways of doing things emerge. Yes, we can use "surface=*" for everything, roads, buildings, forests, lakes, banks, restaurants, and so on, and that perhaps makes sense if you think of the map as a photoshop document where each pixel only has one colour. But those of us concerned future development of the database, wish for a more expressive and rich set of tagging options, enabling us to describe more complex circumstances of the world.

-- Morten

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