On Lunes 08 Noviembre 2010 10:33:32 Tom Chance escribió:
> On 8 November 2010 10:25, Noel David Torres Taño 
> > On Lunes 08 Noviembre 2010 10:09:03 M∡rtin Koppenhoefer escribió:
> >  > yes, we already have a shop value for art galleries that generally
> > > 
> > > sell the exposed works, but Tom was saying that we should distinguish
> > > between museums that expose art but don't call themself an "art
> > > gallery" and others that don't sell either but do only exhibitions and
> > > call themself an "art gallery".
> > 
> > So the difference here is between permanent exhibition (+ temporary ones)
> > and
> > only temporary exhibitions?
> You could have:
> culture=museum and museum=art (or similar) for museums that mainly have
> permanent exhibitions of art (I don't know anywhere that only has permanent
> exhibitions, as you note)
> culture=art_gallery for art galleries that mainly have temporary
> exhibitions (many do have some small permanent collections)
> shop=art for shops that simply sell art works with no exhibitions

I know places where art works are in exhibition with the purpose of selling. 
All works are exhibited from date 1 to date 2, and as well as works are being 
sold, they are marked with a red dot in the wall by their side, where numbers 
are. So they are shops, but have temporary exhibitions.
> I would guess that in the UK there might be a tendency to use
> culture=art_gallery where other nationalities might expect to see
> culture=museum. So the wiki will need some clear cross-referencing.
> I myself will have a hard time deciding whether some places in London are
> museums or art galleries!

Cross-referencing yes, but a hard rule too:
 Option a) name
    If it is named "Museum" tag as museum, otherwise tag as art_gallery.
 Option b) permanent exhibition
    If it has a permanent exhibition (along with any possible temporary 
exhibitions) tag as museum, otherwise tag as art_gallery.

These options mostly run together, at least in Spain, and not only for art 
places: I can not remember a single place named "museum" without permanent 
exhibitions, from small houses devoted to a famous habitant (Casa Museo de 
Colón -> Columbus Museum House or Casa Museo Tomás Morales -> Poet Tomás 
Morales Museum House, both in Las Palmas) to the big ones we all have in mind, 
through non-art big museums like Museo de La Ciencia y El Cosmos (Science and 
Cosmos Museum in La Laguna).


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