Am 07.11.2010 14:04, schrieb Sam Vekemans:
Adding 'culture=community_center' and culture=community_centre' would helpfull.
although there needs to be a clear difference from 'tourism' key.
perhaps 'tourism' is reserved for things that are designed primarly
for the benifit of visitors to the area, were 'culture' is more for
locals 'cultural activities/things/places.
I came to the conclusion, that deciding if e.g. a museum better fits in
tourism or leisure is pointless - as it is both and the decision will
largely depend on your personal bias and the museum in question.
I'll have a better answer in a few weeks.
You may have a look at recent versions of JOSM. I have spend quite some
time thinking about how to put these into the preset menu so that it
makes sense.
The solution that made most sense to me (and doesn't take care too much
about the existing tags) is:
- tourism
- culture
- leisure
Limit tourism to signposts, information bureaus and alike.
Deciding between culture and leisure is a lot easier then ...
Regards, ULFL
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