On 8 November 2010 08:24, M∡rtin Koppenhoefer <dieterdre...@gmail.com>wrote:

> Well, what is your definition of museum? I don't have to follow
> slavishly wikipedia but I took this as a first indication.
This reminds me of turning to the dictionary for a definition of "democracy"
when debating political philosophy. There have been thousands of years of
debate and disagreement over the arts - what constitutes art, what gives it
meaning, what makes somebody an artist, what we mean by "the art world", and
so on.

That is why I don't think we should turn to Wikipedia for guidance, even for
a first indication. We might consult the Dewey system to see how it
categorised things, though recognising we have a more powerful tool in our

We shouldn't expect something so resistant to definition to easily fit into
a short dictionary definition or worst of all a Wikipedia decision.


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